The most important ten information that interests you about the emerging corona virus, Covid 19?

 The most important ten information that interests you about the emerging corona virus, Covid 19?

Wrote ✍🏻 Abdullah bin Khalid Al-Najjar

Today, Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Archive photo - Abdullah Al-Najjar

10 tips for the public about coronavirus disease (COVID-19)?

This material is regularly updated based on new scientific findings that keep pace with the evolution of the epidemic. The last update was released on October 7, 2020.

1- Number one Q&A: Children and masks in the context of COVID-19?

Masks should be used as part of a comprehensive strategy to curb transmission and save lives. The use of masks alone is not enough to provide an adequate level of protection against COVID-19 infection.

And if COVID-19 infection is spreading in your community, stay safe by taking some simple precautions, such as physical distancing, wearing a mask, maintaining good ventilation in rooms, avoiding crowds, cleaning hands, sneezing and coughing into the crease of the elbow or into a tissue. Please see advice from the local authorities where you live and work. Do it all!

Make it a habit to wear a mask when you are with other people. Proper use, preservation, cleaning and disposal of masks is essential to make them as effective as possible.

2- Question number two Frequently asked questions about COVID-19 related to adolescents and young adults?

Can teens catch COVID-19?

Yes, all age groups can be infected with COVID-19.

Although we are still learning about how Covid infection affects people, the data available so far indicates that the number of deaths from this disease is few among children under the age of eighteen, compared to other age groups, and they usually have a pathological condition. Simple in severity. However, there are reports of cases of critical illness falling within this age group. As in adults, the pre-existing medical conditions in the patient, such as high blood pressure, heart and lung diseases, asthma, diabetes, obesity, cancer, and neurological and developmental conditions, represent risk factors for severe illness, requiring admission to the intensive care unit. for children.

3- What should I do if someone in my family becomes seriously ill from COVID-19?

You should seek medical attention immediately if someone in your family becomes seriously ill, for example, has difficulty breathing, or feels pain or pressure in the chest. If possible, you or another adult should call your health care provider, or the COVID-19 hotline, for instructions, and where and how you can get the needed care. If your family member is confirmed to have COVID-19, you should be prepared, because you and other known contacts will need to isolate for 14 days and monitor for symptoms, even if you feel well.

4- I am bored of spending so much time at home. And since I'm unlikely to get very sick, even if I catch COVID-19, why is it important to follow guidelines to prevent the spread of infection, such as keeping my distance from other people?

It is true that spending more time at home is difficult and can be boring, but it can help you to do something you enjoy, such as reading a book, playing some games, or listening to music. And try to stay in touch with friends and family every day, either by communicating with them by phone, or via the Internet, as possible, or talking to them in person, while maintaining the necessary distance, if you live near them, and the local rules in force allow. You can also engage with the local community to help combat the transmission of this virus.

At the same time, it remains important to reduce your chances of contracting or transmitting Covid-19 infection, by frequently washing your hands with soap and water, or rubbing them with alcohol-based hand wipes, whenever possible, while keeping a distance of at least one meter (3 feet) between you and people. Others, avoid crowded places. Even if adolescents infected with Covid-19 infection usually do not show symptoms, and their illness is mild, you could be one of those unlucky adolescents who become severely ill from Covid-19 infection, or you may transmit it to others and be responsible for making them become ill. severe, or even die of this disease. You have the power to make choices that can save lives, and together you young people can play an important role in the fight against COVID-19 infection.

5- Some of my friends don't adhere to the rules of physical distancing, what should I do

I do?

Explain to your friends how important it is to protect themselves and others, by washing their hands, avoiding touching their faces, always coughing or sneezing into an elbow, into the sleeve of clothing, or into a tissue, and cooperating with physical distancing measures and restrictions on movement when asked that. Perhaps you can share ideas about some fun virtual activities that your friends can participate in, and you can encourage them to do these activities with you or other friends. For example, you can encourage them to join the Youth Against COVID-19 campaign, which aims to help educate young people around the world about COVID-19, and what they can do to keep their friends, families and communities safe. In this way, you give them alternatives instead of just asking them to stay at home.

However, remember that you do not have the power to control the actions of others, so do not get into an argument or fight to try to change their minds.

Archive photo -world health organisation 

6- I know there is a risk of contracting Covid-19 infection, but can I still exercise?

Yes, you can play sports that comply with the physical distancing measures and movement restrictions in force in your country. If you are able to go for a bike ride, or to a park or open public place, for walking, jogging or exercising, you should always observe social distancing measures, wash hands with soap and water before leaving, when you arrive at your destination, and as soon as you return home. If soap and water are not immediately available, use alcohol-based hand wipes.

Being physically active is good for your health, both physically and psychologically. Establish a regular routine for activities or sports that do not require close contact with others, for an hour a day. You can do individual sports, such as jogging, walking, dancing, or yoga. There are many options you can try. You can also set up games on the playground, indoors, such as jumping rope and hopscotch, or playing with your brothers and sisters, or doing some strength training activities, using some improvised weights, such as bottles filled with water or sand. And if you have internet access, you can also join active games, fitness classes, or set up your own physical exercises online with your friends or classmates. Find a fun activity that you can do and that makes you feel good, given the restrictions in your country.

Don't exercise if you have a fever, cough, or trouble breathing. Stay home and rest, seek medical attention, and follow directions from your local health authority.

8- I spend a lot of time online, on social media, playing games, and studying. Is there any reason to worry about that?

The Covid pandemic has suddenly pushed many people's daily lives online, and you may have to spend hours online even longer than before. While online solutions offer tremendous opportunities to continue your learning, to socialize and play, you should limit the amount of time you spend in front of the screen, which is not related to your studies or physical activity, because you need to be physically active in order to maintain your posture. Your health and positive attitude towards things. Moreover, some people are sensitive to flashing lights, and may develop headaches, nausea, dizziness, and even fainting spells if they spend too much time in front of a screen. Therefore, it is important that you replace some of the leisure time you spend in front of the screen with other activities that do not depend on the screen, such as listening to music, reading, playing board games, and physical activity, such as going for a walk or jogging. In contrast, excessive gaming can lead to "gaming disorder", which in turn leads to poor sleep or day and night reversals, loss of appetite, aggression, headaches, and attention problems. If you experience these symptoms, seek help from your parents or a trusted adult.

7- I heard that I can get hurt from those I communicate with on the Internet. What are the risks for me, and how can I protect myself online?


Since you may be spending a lot of time on the Internet, even more than before, it is wise to be aware of some of the risks involved. First, be careful about the content you share online. Risky behavior, such as posting sexual content or sharing sexually active content, may expose you to the risks of extortion, harassment, and abuse. Second, spending more time on the Internet may increase your chances of dealing with online predators, who seek to sexually exploit youth. When you are in front of webcams, dress appropriately, and avoid using private instant messaging services in your communication with teachers. In addition, it is important to note that some adolescents - for example, those with disabilities, those who are perceived as different, or who are at higher risk of contracting or spreading COVID-19 infection, may be more willing to bully. and electronic discrimination. There is no doubt that abusive, discriminatory, or inappropriate communication is totally unacceptable. If you are suspicious, uncomfortable or upset about some of your online interactions, tell a parent or other trusted adult right away.

9- Since they stopped going out to work, my parents have been arguing with each other more often than before, and I have seen at times, one of them hurting or offending the other, whether verbally or physically. And I don't feel safe at home. So what can I do?

These are tough times, when many people, perhaps including your parents, are concerned about security, health and money. When people are in cramped and isolated living conditions, such tensions and pressures become more frequent. It is natural for there to be disagreements, but if these disagreements become harmful, whether verbally or physically, then it is right to do something.

If you're worried about what's going on at home, or don't feel safe, talk to a trusted adult about your concerns and seek advice. And try, when there is a fight or argument, not to draw attention to you, so that it does not end up hurting you. It can be helpful to have a safety plan in place in case violence escalates. This includes having a bag in which to put your essentials, such as clothes, documents, and an electric charger, and selecting a neighbor, friend, relative, or shelter to go to, should you need to leave the house immediately for safety reasons. Arrange with a trusted adult to help you alert relevant authorities who can help you stay safe, including the police, emergency health services and social services.

In many of the countries most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, basic services are still available, including shelters or protection services. If there are no trusted adults with whom you can share your concerns, helplines may be available in your country, including text messaging services, so that you can connect with someone who can help or advise you.

10- When will this pandemic end, until things return to normal?

We don't know when this pandemic will end, but we know that it depends on everyone's contribution to help stop the spread of the virus. The sacrifices you have made by not seeing your friends, not going to school for a while, and other activities are the contributions you have made to fight this pandemic. We have reduced the ability of the virus to spread through our communities, by suspending societal and economic activity. These defensive measures have helped limit the damage that the virus can cause, and have given us time to learn more about it, and find solutions so that we can return to the way of life we ​​are familiar with. That is why the reopening of schools and businesses in many places is possible. It is important that you continue to take the recommended measures, and encourage your friends to do the same, to prevent the situation from getting worse or worse.

Source of information used in the article::

Abdullah bin Khalid Al-Najjar

.كاتب حر.. اكتب ما يجول في خاطري.. أمارس هواياتي في الكتابه احيانًا وأحيانًا يكفيني التعليق على بعض مايستهويني.. من أنا ..؟ {أنا الطائر الحر .. ولا جوايا أى شر .. لا بتكسر ولا بهر وفى الحياة مستمر.. أنا الطائر الحر .. صامد زى الصخر ..بقلب قوى قلب نسر .. لا بحب الغدر.. وأحفظ ألف سر}. {قلبت طرفي في الشعوب فلم أجد ** كالعرب شعبا راضيا بجموده ريان من صدأ الخمول بمدنه ** ظمآن من شظف الحياة بيده متقطع الأوصال منفصم العرى ** فسل الجدود النكد عن توحيده مستسلم لأجنبي مروع ** بحريق بارقه وقصف رعوده هيهات يعرف ويك قيمة نفسه ** من لا يحس وإن كبا بوجوده أشقى جميع الخلق في دنياه من ** كانت بلاد العرب منيت عدوه} عربي حر وكل العرب اخواني وكل بلاد العرب أوطاني...

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